Florida Keys Real Estate News

Freewheeler Realty joins Leading Real Estate Companies of the World / Luxury Portfolio International

March 25th, 2016 7:47 PM by Claire Johnson

Freewheeler Realty has accepted the invitation to join Leading Real Estate Companies of the World / Luxury Portfolio International.  It is an honor to be chosen to join this amazing organization.  Leading Real Estate Companies of the World was organized back in the 70's, when a group of brokers came together to create a referral network.  This has morphed into an organization that has an unprecedented reach in the global arena.  Besides being a top producing real estate firm in a specific area, the brokerage cannot be affiliated with a real estate franchise.  What this has created is a powerhouse of top producing agencies all over the world.  When you want to be the best, you become affiliated with the best!  This advantage is then passed on to our buyers and sellers in the Florida Keys.  

Luxury Portfolio International was created for exclusivity.  They maintain their high standard of luxury by implementing parameters to be strictly followed.  Professional photographs are a must, minimum list price is $1,000,000.00 and the final step is approval from Luxury Portfolio International.  This is to ensure the brand remains untarnished and the quality of listings are vetted.  

Allow me the opportunity to show you the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World / Luxury Portfolio International advantage.   

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