Florida Keys Real Estate News

Florida Keys June Real Estate Market Update

June 14th, 2018 4:43 PM by Claire Johnson

See my interview with Lisa and Greg Poland of Greg Poland Photography and my Florida Keys real estate market update.  

If you go to my Facebook Page - Florida Keys Lifestyle and answer the following question 
Where did YOU get married?

You will be entered for a chance to get 50% off of a 30-minute photography session from Greg Poland Photography.  

Your chance to win is good until the end of June 2018!!  

We are now nine months since Hurricane Irma touched down on the Florida Keys.  Many have been waiting to see the affects that storm would have on our market.  There has not been any downturn in the Florida Keys real estate market values.  We are holding strong and it continues to be a seller's market.  I would recommend that if you are considering purchasing a home, now is a good time.  When 2019 rolls around and we are in the midst our busiest season, I have a feeling that home inventory will decrease.  All the hotels should be operational by then, which means more tourists / potential home buyers will be here in full force.  

Let's get you started at previewing homes so you can find the perfect one for you and your family.  

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